How to train your puppy

How to train your puppy

dog on a leash

Fun and rewarding, training your puppy can be a long process but it’s well worth putting in the time and effort. Some breeds learn to follow commands faster than others, so for some dog owners the process might be a little faster or slower. What’s important is making sure your dog can follow simple commands and learns to walk well on their lead. 

Below are our top puppy training tips to get your furry friend off to a flying start:

Heel, sit and stay

When you first start puppy training your dog it’s a good idea to focus on the three main commands. Heel, sit and stay are pretty easy commands to start out with, important for influencing your dog’s behaviour in a number of different situations and will stand you in good stead for more advanced training in the future.


When training your dog to heel it’s important to start with a short lead so that your pup can’t pull ahead so easily. Try to make sure your dog stays on the same side of your body to prevent them from crossing over. Begin walking then tell your dog to heel – using a purposeful, but calm tone. Stay calm if your pooch doesn’t stop immediately and reward them with a treat and praise when they do. Repeat this a few times each time you go for a walk until your pooch gets the hang of it.


Teaching your dog to sit is super important and one of the easiest commands to get them to follow. In the beginning it’s a good idea to place your hand at the bottom of their back and push down gently while calmly telling them to sit. Once they do sit reward them with praise and treats.


Stay is a great command to make sure your dog knows and can be really useful in a number of circumstances. From making sure they don’t jump up when you’re serving food, to ensuring that they wait until you’ve wiped their feet before heading into the house after a walk, there are many occasions when you’ll need him/her to stay. Using hand signals is a great way to teach your dog to stay. Hold your palm up to signal a STOP sign and calmy tell them to stay then reward them with praise and a treat when they do.

Housetraining your puppy

One of the most important parts of training your puppy is housetraining. You can start the process from around eight weeks old, but it can take a while and some breeds, such as Basset Hounds, can be especially difficult to housetrain. Be patient with your pooch and expect to spend a lot of time outside with them until they get the hang of it. If you do see signs of your pup going to the toilet inside, sniffing around or cocking their leg up, take them outside immediately and wait outside with them until they go to the toilet.

As a rule you should take them out:

  • First thing in a morning
  • Before bed
  • Once per hour
  • After every meal

The aim of the game when it comes to housebreaking your pup is to make sure that you avoid accidents. Of course, there will be many so it’s important to be prepared with cleaning supplies at the ready.

Puppy training on a lead

Puppy training on the lead is important for your safety when out and about. It’s one of the vital parts of dog training and can be tricky to master at first. Luckily there are a few things you can do to make it a little easier. First, you’ll need to invest in a quality leash. There are many different dog leashes on the market. Our dog leashes at Dog Friendly Co. are safe, durable and come in a range of different colours so you can find the perfect one for your pet.

While puppy training isn’t easy, it’s hugely rewarding and a great experience for you and your pet to bond over. Take these tips on board and take your time with your pet and you’ll soon see progress.

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